Yorchip IP
   Universal PHYTM

Revolutionary ASICs using Chiplets

Currently ASICs are too expensive to develop with NRE's exceeding $5M and often in $10M-$20M + range.

By using reuseable micro chiplets for common IP such as CPU, Ethernet, PCIe, and Memory we can save clients $4-5M just in NRE. Leadtime and project Risks are slashed too!!

We use a patented Universal PHYTM for lower costs, low power and lower latency to deliver similar unit costs for Chiplet ASICs to standard ASICs.


Universal PHYTM Technology

Currently Chiplets are LIMITED to HPC and Data Center markets.

Simply stated todays PHY technology and packaging technology are not viable for MASS adoption.

Too expensive to deploy and UNAVAILABLE in wide range of nodes. Our Universal PHYTM is the solution and now available.

Universal PHYTM IP  details disclosed at Chiplet Summit in January 2025. Click here

   Universal PHY INFO sheet Click


Chiplet ASIC INFO sheet Click

Chiplet ASIC Flow INFO sheet Click

For Investors - Opportunity Click

100G Ultra Ethernet Solution Click here

Universal PHY TM News CLICK here


Universal PHYTM Info under NDA 


Contact for more info:  CLICK HERE